Carloariel (HO270)

Dear Sponsor Kayla,
I am very happy to be able to greet you through this letter. I hope you are well. Every day I ask God for your life and for having someone special in my life. I thank you for all the beautiful and special letters you have sent me, they have been a big help and encourage for me. My tutor has told me that I am privileged for having someone special who is concerned about me. Yes, it's amazing to serve God because He helps us to keep going ahead. He answers to us in a special way because we all are special for Him. Let me tell you that the project have helped me a lot. Last month they took me on a trip to a very beautiful park where I enjoyed with my friends from the project swimming and playing soccer and it was a wonderful day. I also had a medical check up where they helped me a lot with medicines to get better and grow healthy. I am very happy because without your support nothing of these could be possible. Let me tell you that I go to school in the morning and my school is very bug and there is a field where I play soccer with my friends. How was your school? Is college exciting? I am going to keep studying to go to college as you have done. I read in your letters that you are going to get graduated in April, congratulations! And I encourage you to keep going ahead. I know God fights for me and He wants me to succeed too in my spiritual life and intellectual life. My mom sends you greetings and my dad a strong hug. I ask you to please pray for my dad and my mom to get back to church and together praise God. I say goodbye for now hoping your reply to this soon. Until soon, God bless you!!
[written 20 July 2011]

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