Rhendel (PH919)

Dear Kayla,
How are you? We hope that as you received my letter, you are in good health and fully of grace.
Thank you for the Christmas gift that I received. I bought a t-shirt, shorts and shoes for our Christmas party.
How about you? What will you do this Christmas? Us, we will celebrate it in our house.
Please include us in your prayer that my father's job will continue and we are always happy.
[written 27 November 2010]

Leticia (GH407)

12:46 PM Posted by Kayla 0 comments
Dear Kayla,
Thank you for your letter, words of encouragement, and prayer support.

Response to sponsor's questions:
Please, yes I went to 31st night [[New Year's Eve]] and I thanked God for how far He has brought me and I continue to pray that God should protect me for the next year.

Questions from child to sponsor:
Please, what is the name of your grandparent?

New Personal Information about Child:
When I went to church I learnt a new thing and about Jesus Christ.

I would like to know more about:
Your grandparent.

Child's prayer for sponsor:
I pray that God should richly bless you.

Child's prayer request:
Please pray for me so that I can continue my education and achieve my future goals.
[written 15 January 2011]

No-ca [TH991]

12:43 PM Posted by Kayla 0 comments
Dear Kayla,
Hello! I am writing on behalf of No-ca, because she can't write by herself. She's happy to get your letters and write to you again. She says she misses you too. It's the winter here and she loves the winter. She's doing well. She asks you to please pray for her studies and her family. Her studies are better. She says she studies harder and always goes to school. This year it'll be the last yera to be in kindergarten. She wants to be a teacher. She hopes you have a good time this Christmas and New Year. She says thank you for the letter and that she loves and misses you as well.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
[written 29 November 2010]