Leticia (GH407) Easter Letter

My Easter period starts from April to May.
I shall spend my easter in a town.
I shall spend time with my parent and friends.
My easter period falls within the dry season in Ghana. It is between January and May.

-at the project: I learn, play, eat, dance, sing.
-at home: I fetch water, wash my clothes, read a book, play, pray, dance, sing, watch television, wash bowls and cooking utensils.
-at church: I pray, clap, read the Bible, sing, dance.

I hope you are going to spend your easter holidays well.

Please, has your husband come back from the army trip?

I pray that God will give you a baby girl like me.

Please, I want you to pray for me so that I will pass my exams.
[written 9 April 2011]

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